Temperament specifics of elite kettlebell lifters



Associate professor, Ph.D. V.P. Simen’
I. Yakovlev Chuvash state pedagogical university, Cheboksary

Keywords: elite kettlebell lifters, temperament, extraversion, introversion, neuroticism, emotional stability, ambivert.

Introduction. The use of the leading factors as model characteristics by trainers in their practice opens up wide prospects for solving the issue of managing training process [1-5].

Modern theories of sports psychology suggest that one of the leading factors in achieving high sports results is choosing sport with regard to the athlete’s temperament type. A sport chosen according to the type of temperament attracts athletes involved in it and promotes the formation of their sustained interest to the regular targeted long-term sports training, love of their sport and the desire to achieve high sports results.    

In addition, analysis of special theoretical and methodological literature indicates the current lack of research results related to the type of temperament of elite kettlebell lifters as model characteristics of performance features of athletes for specific targets during sports qualification, programming and organization of the training process.

The need to resolve this discrepancy accounts for practical and scientific relevance of our study.

Given the essence of the discrepancy we formulated the problem of the study: to determine the specifics of temperament types of elite kettlebell lifters. The objective of our study was to solve this problem.

The purpose of the study was to identify and scientifically justify temperament types of elite kettlebell lifters.

Materials and methods. To achieve the objective of the study we used a set of scientific methods including theoretical analysis and generalization of theoretical and methodological literature, psychodiagnostics and mathematical methods of statistics.

Characteristics of the temperament types of the participants of the Russian Cup of Kettlebell Lifting in September 2014 were studied and estimated using the H.U. Eusenck personality inventory.

In view of the essence of the technique elite kettlebell lifters had the following characteristics estimated: extraversion (if the score is 0-10, the person is an introvert and is reserved; if it is 15-24, the person is an extravert, such people are sociable and oriented at the outside world; if 11–14, then such a person is an ambivert, communicating only when he needs it); neuroticism (if the score is 0-10, the person is emotionally stable; the score of 11-16 indicates emotional sensitivity; the score of 17-22 indicates some signs of the nervous system instability; 23-24 - neuroticism bordering pathology and a breakdown or neurosis are possible); lie (if the score is 0-3, then the lie rate is within the norm, or answers can be trusted; if it is 4-5, then the answers are questionable; if it is 6-9, the answers are unreliable).  

44 elite kettlebell lifters were surveyed in the written form anonymously and voluntarily, including 6 candidates for master of sports of Russia (CMS), 33 masters of sports of Russia (MS), 4 masters of sport of international class (MSIC) and 1 Honoured master of sports of Russia (HMS). All the subjects answered either “yes” or “no” to 75 questions.

Results and discussion. Analysis of the survey results of elite kettlebell lifters has revealed 11 introverts, 27 ambiverts and 7 extraverts out of 44 respondents. At the same time 34 persons were emotionally stable, 8 were emotionally sensitive and 1 had some signs of the nervous system instability. Answers of 32 of the survey participants can be trusted, answers of 8 persons are questionable, and answers of 4 are unreliable (Table 1).

Table 1. Psychological profile indicators of elite kettlebell lifters, n=44

Psychological profile indicators

Survey results

Total score of “yes” and “no” answers

Number of participants, %












Emotional stability



Emotional sensitivity



Signs of nervous system instability




Lie rate is within the norm






Answers are unreliable



Average indicators of the psychological profile of elite kettlebell lifters are presented in Figure 1, which shows the extraversion level (12.11±3.19 points), the neuroticism level (7.73±4.20 points) and the lie rate (2.84±1.52 points).

Figure 1. Average indicators of the temperament type of elite kettlebell lifters

Ambiversion and emotional stability dominate in the temperamental structure that reflects the behavior of elite kettlebell lifters (HMS, MSIC, MS and CMS) when training. This is a temperament of the phlegm-sanguine psychological type. Therefore, people with this type of temperament may demonstrate both phlegmatic and sanguine personal behavior characteristics in different conditions and situations.

Conclusion. Thus, we identified the temperament specifics of elite kettlebell lifters during the experimental study. The focus of the trainers on this psychological profile will help specify the targets during sports qualification and programming of training process that account for its content and organization.


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Corresponding author: simen.vladimir@yandex.ru