Possibilities of using neurofeedback in sports practice in Crimea
PhD L.O. Ilina1
PhD T.A. Blyshchak1
1I.V. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol
Keywords: neurobiocontrol, biofeedback, alpha-rhythm and beta-rhythm trainings, psychocorrective effects, self-regulation.
Introduction. The analysis of the works of Russian scientists has shown that in Russia the research of I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov in the field of conditioned reflex activity; K.M. Bykov's ideas about cortical-visceral connections; neuroanatomical data obtained in the laboratory of V.N. Chernihiv; P.K. Anokhin's theory of functional systems; a series of stable pathological conditions of N.P. Bekhtereva [1]. Neurobiocontrol provides an opportunity to control the biopotentials of the brain based on changes in the spectral parameters of EEG rhythms and their combination. Information about one's own functional state, obtained in real time, allows an athlete to learn self-regulation and influence certain physiological processes.
The purpose of the study is to identify potential applications of neurobiological management in the training of students of sports specialties in the Crimea.
Methodology and organization of the study. To solve the research tasks, the analysis and generalization of relevant articles were used, as well as the study of the practice of applying neurobiological management at the Crimean Federal University.
The results of the study and their discussion. In sports practice, the most interesting are the possibilities of neurobiological management in correcting mental states, training the ability to manage one's condition in stressful situations, and activating the functional systems of the body. In general, the neuromodulating effect of therapy has a positive effect on the cognitive processes of future athletes [2].
In Crimea, the main research base for studying the possibilities of neurobiological management is the Crimean Federal University. The study involved 176 students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports, which uses the "Kolibri" BOS complex, the scope of application is "relaxation" training on alpha rhythm and "activation" training on beta rhythm. Areas of application of neurotraining: training in stress tolerance skills, reducing anxiety and overcoming high psychological loads; improving sportsmanship and personal growth of an athlete; improving cognitive and creative abilities. The criterion for the success of neurotraining was an increase in the amplitude of the alpha rhythm by at least 10-15% per session. The interim results show that 57.9% of the subjects noted an improvement in their functional state and an increase in athletic performance.
Conclusion. The results of the study confirm the high practical importance of the use of neurobiological management in sports practice. It is important to note that in Crimea this area is relevant due to the lack of practical experience in the use of biofeedback systems, which necessitates further research.
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