Individually oriented athletics classes for first year students


PhD, Associate Professor M.N. Komarov1
Dr. Med., Professor I.N. Medvedev1
PhD, Associate Professor V.I. Sharagin2
E.K. Butchenko3
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow
3Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan

Objective of the study was to identify the effectiveness of using individual-oriented athletics classes among first-year students.
Methods and structure of the study. 415 first-year students of both sexes took part in the scientific work. The individual orientation of the classes was associated with varying the duration of daily training from 40 to 20 minutes per day, depending on the students current workload at the university.
Results and conclusions. At the beginning of the experiment, all observed people had a low level of physical capabilities. By the end of the experiment, freshmen who were involved in athletics according to an individually oriented program showed a significant improvement in test results, indicating a significant increase in their physical capabilities compared to the control. It can be concluded that athletics classes based on individually oriented programs are highly effective among first-year students who want to improve their physical capabilities without compromising their academic performance at the university.

Keywords: first-year students, individually oriented training, athletics, physical capabilities, sports.


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