Аctivating the problem of forming flexible skills in student-athletes
O.V. Obukhova1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.V. Ponomarev1
M.N. Podkovyrkin1
I.S. Tochilova1
1Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg
Objective of the study was to identify the demand for developing soft skills among student-athletes of the Ural Federal University (UrFU) as a model university in terms of organizing work with student-athletes.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was conducted in November-December 2023 using an online questionnaire (Yandex form). 150 student-athletes took part in the survey: 55% boys and 45% girls.
Results and conclusions. The educational organization of UrFU has a fairly developed sports base, which satisfies not only the needs of amateur athletes, but also professionals. This gives students a sense of care and interest in developing their sporting achievements. Student-athletes, receiving professional education, are focused on the quality of education and are ready to make additional efforts for self-development. Students are aware of the importance of soft skills for professional growth and self-development; most of them are focused on the development of communication, cognitive and organizational skills. Student-athletes assign priority soft skills to a specific sport.
Keywords: student-athlete, soft skills, student sports, mass sports, high-performance sports, extracurricular activities.
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