Concretization of semantic constructs by young athletes as a condition for the implementation of the coach’s focus on quality training activities


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor T.K. Kim1, 2
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor G.A. Kuzmenko1
E.V. Korneev2

1Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow
2Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to determine the semantic field of activity supports for the in-depth development of a dance composition by young athletes in cheerleading at the stage of detailed development of motor action and the connection of the chosen setting with the particular characteristics of fragments of training activity.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific experiment used pedagogical observation, interviewing, correlation, cluster, factor analysis, data interpretation, which was carried out during the implementation of a sports program at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "MSPU" (n=50), young athletes (12–13 years old) participated in it. involved in cheerleading.
Results and conclusions. Mastering the technique of motor actions at the stage of in-depth study allows us to consider this process as a process of intellectual activity of the coach and the athlete - as the leading subject of the activity. A more specific understanding of movement parameters by a young athlete is associated with the development of his objective sensory experience, which serves as a support for intellectual creativity, clarifying the parameters of activity. The identified characteristics determine the synchronization of actions due to mastering the layout of movements, maintaining the pace of their execution, dynamic balance while maintaining posture and position, and realizing the ability to coordinate the positions of the head and body in rotational, linear movements, in countermovement, to timely move the feet and hands into end points of the movement phase.

Keywords: training, indicative basis of motor action, trainer’s attitude, intellectual activity, semantic constructs.


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