Development and determination of the content of comprehensive pedagogical control programs in the system of sports training of qualified mas-wrestlers


Associate Professor V.N. Alekseev1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor E.V. Fedotova2
1Churapcha state institute of physical education and sports, Churapcha, Yakutia
2Federal Science Center of Physical Culture and Sport (VNIIFK), Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop and determine the content of comprehensive pedagogical control programs in the system of sports training for qualified mas-wrestlers.
Methods and structure of the study. The analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, information sources, protocols of competitions and testing of mas-wrestlers, video recordings of competitive activities, sports training programs, results of experimental studies, questioning of leading coaches and generalization of practical experience with qualified mas-wrestlers were carried out.
Results and conclusions. The article presents programs for a staged comprehensive examination, the main directions of current and operational control, programs for examining competitive activity, formed taking into account unified requirements for their structure and content, the specifics of the training activity of qualified mas-wrestlers and factors that ensure the effectiveness of their competitive activity.

Keywords: mas-wrestling, complex control, qualified athletes.


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