The impact of training in the kettlebell lifting section on the morphofunctional characteristics of first-year students


E.S. Galutskih1
Dr. Biol., Professor I.N. Medvedev2
PhD N.V. Vorobyovа3
1Kursk State University, Kursk
2Russian State Social University, Moscow
3Southwest State University, Kursk

Keywords: kettlebell lifting, students, adolescence, physical development, sports training.

Introduction. Regular physical activity can lead to many positive changes in the body [1]. Power sports remain very popular among students [2]. Often, the choice of students who want to play sports stops at kettlebell lifting. This requires clarifying the effect of his classes on the body of students studying in the first year of university.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the impact of regular kettlebell lifting on the physical abilities of first–year students.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study was carried out on 25 somatically healthy young first-year university students. The observed participants made up a group of 11 kettlebell lifting athletes who started regular twice-weekly training sessions in the kettlebell lifting section immediately after admission to the university. A comparison group was also assembled, consisting of 14 completely healthy young first-year students who, after entering the university, retained initially weak physical activity. Both groups were monitored for three months. The examined patients were subjected to standard functional tests at the beginning and at the end of the observation. The results were processed by calculating the Student's criterion (t).
The results of the study and their discussion. Initially, all freshmen were characterized by low musculature, low speed capabilities. Both groups initially had low endurance, undeveloped strength indicators and imperfect coordination. After three months of observation, an increase in the development of the shoulder girdle muscles was noted in the kettlebell group with a significant increase in speed and strength indicators, improved coordination and increased endurance. In the first-year students of the comparison group, the determined indicators remained low during the observation.
Conclusion. Regular kettlebell lifting exercises lead first-year students of adolescent age to develop their physical abilities, improve speed and strength indicators. Freshmen who abstain from sports activity have a consistently low level of physical abilities.


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  2. Protopopov V.G. Kettlebell lifting as a sport for creating a beautiful athletic body and strengthening youth health / V.G. Protopopov // Integration of sciences. – 2018. – № 8 (23). – Pp. 601-602.