The influence of volleyball training sessions on the functional state of an athlete
PhD D.A. Chevychelov1
PhD N.V. Vorobyeva2
Dr. Biol., Professor I.N. Medvedev3
PhD S.V. Tokareva2
1Kursk State University, Kursk
2Southwest State University, Kursk
3Russian State Social University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to evaluate the functional capabilities of vital organs in well-trained young volleyball players.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work involved 17 young volleyball players who regularly participated in training over the past 3.5 years. The control group consisted of 25 healthy adolescents who were physically inactive. The main morphofunctional parameters of the heart, lungs and kidneys were assessed using standard methods. Mathematical processing of the obtained digital data was associated with the calculation of Student's t-test.
Results and conclusions. In experienced volleyball players, biologically beneficial slight hypertrophy of the left ventricle was found, manifested by thickening of its walls and an increase in its mass while maintaining functionality. The examined volleyball players maintained optimal blood pressure, a high level of vital capacity and a pronounced glomerular filtration rate. The obtained indicators indicated high functional capabilities of the heart, lungs and kidneys of volleyball players.
Keywords: physical activity, sports, volleyball, heart, lungs, kidneys.
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