Physical characteristics of young football players with imbecility in conditions of sports competitions
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.S. Makhov1
S.V. Ragulin1
A.V. Bondarenko1
1Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics, Moscow
Keywords: football, imbecility, competitions, boys, psycho-emotional state, physical status.
Introduction. The development of pathology of various human organs leads to a weakening of the entire body [1]. At the same time, intensive motor activity, including sports, noticeably slows down and weakens all signs of pathology [2]. Of practical importance is the examination of young men with mental retardation, who begin to make up for their lack of physical activity.
The aim of the study is to identify the dynamics of the functional status of young football players with imbecility in a football match.
Methodology and organization of the study. The general functional status of 17 young football players (18-19 years old) with imbecility was recorded before and after their participation in a football match with the participation of spectators. A survey and assessment of their well-being, mood and level of general physical abilities were conducted.
The results of the study and their discussion. According to the results of the survey, it was clear that after the match, the observed significantly improved their well-being (from 49.6± 0.22 to 61.4±0.27 points). Their total muscle activity increased (from 40.5±0.32 to 49.9±0.41 points), which indicated a general activation of the examined patients. Apparently, this can be largely due to the victory in the completed football match and the end of emotional tension among athletes. The optimization of their mood levels noted after the match significantly toned down their overall physical status. Before the start of the competition, the average value of this parameter was 44.6 ± 0.42 points, after the end – 61.3 ± 0.49 points, indicating a pronounced positivization of their emotional state.
Conclusion. Intense physical activity can significantly stimulate the main processes in the body of young football players with imbecility. As a result of participating in competitions, their condition improves, their overall activity increases and their emotional background improves, which is most noticeable at the end of the match in the presence of spectators in favor of their team.
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