Phenomenon of independence in physical training of student youth


Dr. Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva
The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate the phenomenon of independence in physical training of students.
The results of the study and conclusions. Independent training activity is a phenomenon of physical activity that provides students with freedom of self–expression, choice and self-development. In the process of physical training, regardless of external influences and controls, students can show their creativity and creativity. At the same time, the problem of forming psychological attitudes towards self-discipline and self-control is being actualized.
In the process of independent training activities, mechanisms are implemented that ensure prolonged physical activity of students, expressed in the formation of their value orientations for the development of professional competencies and improving the quality of life.

Keywords: physical training, creativity, creativity, self-control, prolonged physical activity, value orientations.


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