Comparative analysis of jerking techniques in young weightatlifters at the initial and training stages of sports training


Dr. Hab., Professor A.A. Shalmanov1
PhD A.A. Atlas1
PhD A.V. Vagin1
1The Russian University of  Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Objective of the study was to compare general and specific criteria for the jerk technique in weightlifters.
Methods and structure of the study. The technical skill of the athletes was assessed during official competitions using bilateral video recording. Based on the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the movement of the center of mass (CM) of the barbell, criteria for the technical skill of athletes when lifting the barbell to the chest and when pushing it out from the chest were determined. Individual data for each athlete was used to develop recommendations for eliminating errors in technique.
Results and conclusions. It was shown that only 6 athletes at the initial stage of preparation and 10 athletes at the training stage met the criteria for technique that corresponded to the values of the rational way to perform this exercise. The remaining athletes had two or more technical errors. From this we can conclude that coaches do not pay enough attention to developing the correct pushing technique.

Keywords: criteria of rationality and effectiveness of sports equipment, biomechanics of weightlifting exercises, biomechanical control.


  1. Shalmanov A.A., Skotnikov V.F. Sravnitelnyy analiz tekhniki ryvka u yunykh tyazheloatletov na nachalnom i trenirovochnom etapakh sportivnoy podgotovki [Comparative analysis of the snatch technique of young weightlifters at the initial and training stages of sports training]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2023. No. 12. pp. 27-29.