Comparative analysis of the speed-strength abilities of athletes in striking martial arts on the example of WTF taekwondo
Dr. Hab., Professor O.G. Epov1
K.A. Potapova1
PhD E.M. Kalinin1
E.O. Epov1
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow
Objective of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the speed-strength preparedness of WTF taekwondo women of different sports qualifications.
Methods and structure of the study. To achieve this goal, female taekwondo athletes, n=16 of different sports qualifications were examined in laboratory conditions: Candidate Master of Sports - International Master of Sports. The average age of female athletes is X=21.1, s=3.3 years, body length – X=170.6, s=5.9 years, body weight – X=64.0, s=9.8 kg. All athletes were tested on the BIODEX strength-measuring complex, where two attempts were made in a sitting position - flexion and extension of the knee joint with maximum isometric tension at angular speeds of 300, 180 and 60 degrees / s in order to assess the speed-strength profile of the muscles.
Results and conclusions. It has been established that performing loads at low angular speeds by taekwondo athletes of various sports qualifications does not affect the manifestation of speed-strength abilities. With an increase in angular speed to maximum, international-level taekwondo athletes are superior in the speed-strength component to master-level and candidate master-of-sports athletes. To achieve high athletic results in striking martial arts (using the example of WTF taekwondo), it is necessary to have a high level of speed-strength fitness of the knee flexor muscles.
Keywords: strength, speed, extensors, flexors, taekwondo.
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