Comparison of the degree of mental tension combat activity in a training session and at the competition in fencing martial arts


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor L.G. Ryzhkova1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Petrenko1
PhD, Associate Professor L.E. Pakhomova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Nikolaeva1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
2Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to compare the degree of mental tension of combat practice in the conditions of a training session and a competition among qualified foil fencers.
Methods and structure of the study. The level of mental tension of various types of specialized activities of foil fencers was determined using the Dianel-5120 hardware-software complex, which allows registering and evaluating the psychophysiological and psycho-emotional state of a person based on measuring the electrical activity of the skin.
Four foil fencers took part in the study, the level of sports qualification of which corresponded to the title of "Master of Sports". At the training session at the end of combat practice, fencers were invited by the researcher to obtain information about their psycho-emotional state. Further, these same athletes were examined at the qualifying (rating) competition.
Results and conclusions. As a result of the study, we revealed differences in the indicators of electrocutaneous conductance after fights by 15 injections in the conditions of a training session and at a competition. After the fight for 15 injections in the training session, the average GSR amplitude was recorded (492.40 cHr), while the GSR activity was fixed at the level of 36.64 cHr. It should be noted that after the fight for 15 injections in competitive conditions, a significant increase in the average GSR amplitude (545.29 cHr) was revealed, however, the GSR activity was set approximately at the same level as in training (37.55 cHr). This testifies to the adaptive effect of training fights to the stressful conditions of fencing confrontation at competitions.
Thus, the study allows us to conclude that combat practice during training is a mechanism that allows fencers to adapt to stress factors, which are not only increased motor, but also emotional and mental stress. Definitely, the reaction of athletes to a combination of stressors depends on their individual characteristics, which determine the ability to assess each of the sources of stress and cope with it. The results of the study confirm that training fights, especially count fights, are aimed at increasing resistance to stressors, and the accumulated stresses inherent in elite sports exceed the limiting capabilities of athletes.

Keywords: qualified fencers, combat practice, mental tension, training session, qualifying competitions.


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