Functional capabilities of untrained teenagers


Dr. Biol., Professor S.Y. Zavalishina1
PhD S.V. Tokareva2
E.V. Kichigina3
A.V. Skriplev4

1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Southwest State University, Kursk
3Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Service, Kursk
4Kursk State University, Kursk

Keywords: adolescence, physical activity, physical training, physical development, detrenirovannost.

Introduction. Feasible regular physical activity provides conditions for normal physical development, high-functional activity of the body throughout life [1]. Systematically low muscle activity leads at any age to the development of dysfunctions in all organs [2].
The aim of the study was to assess the physiological status of adolescents who regularly avoided attending school physical education lessons.
Methodology and organization of the study. The work was carried out on 17 healthy adolescents aged 13-14 years, who regularly avoided attending school physical education classes. The control group consisted of 27 healthy adolescents aged 13-14 years who experienced regular physical activity at school physical education lessons. Both groups were examined twice – at the very beginning of the work and after six months of observation. During this time, all teenagers have not changed their usual level of physical activity. The assessment of the state of the body of adolescents was carried out according to the Kerdo index, the state of their cardiovascular system, the level of physical development, the value of the index of the ratio of weight and height. In the work, the Student's t-criterion was calculated.
The results of the study and their discussion. The adolescents who made up the control group had constant values of the Kerdo index, a balance between the levels of parasympathetic and sympathetic activity and a stable normal body weight throughout the observation. Also, the control group had a consistently high level of adaptation of the vascular system to rational physical exertion and normal physical development.
Adolescents who avoided attending school physical education lessons had poor overall physical development, an overweight weight ratio with a weakening of the regulation of the hemocirculation process. They have a tendency to strengthen the work of the sympathies with the appearance of a tendency to exceed its functional capabilities in comparison with the activity of the parasympathics. Adolescents who avoid physical activity after six months of research have shown a tendency to worsen their health. At the end of the observation, they noted the prevalence of sympathetic activity over parasympathetic. The weight-to-weight ratio of adolescents avoiding regular physical activity increased by 9.1%, bringing them into the category of overweight. They also increased the intensity of adaptation of the cardiovascular system by 8.7%, bringing it to an unsatisfactory level. A comprehensive assessment of the physical condition of adolescents who avoided physical exertion revealed its additional deterioration by 30.3% compared to the control.
Conclusion. Thus, adolescents aged 13-14 who avoid physical activity in physical education classes are prone to the appearance of dysfunctions, especially in the autonomic nervous system and the heart and vascular system.


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