Organizational conditions for attracting people with disabilities to mass sports


PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Grigan1
T.V. Zaitseva2
V.I. Tyutyunnikov2

1The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, North-Western Institute of Management,
St. Petersburg
2Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don

Keywords: people with disabilities, mass sports events.

Introduction. Thousands of disabled people are engaged in sports for the sake of maintaining health, many of them reach athletic heights. Various mass events are held to unite people with disabilities [1].
The purpose of the study is to identify the attitude of people with disabilities to participate in mass sports events.
Methodology and organization of the study. The survey was conducted among the participants of the regional sports Festival for two years on the basis of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled. It was attended by 200 people with disabilities.
The survey objectives were:
1. To identify the attitude of people with disabilities to sports competitions.
2. Establish what motivates them to start playing sports.
3. Determine what are the reasons that they do not play sports.
The results of the study and their discussion. In the course of scientific work , the following results were obtained:
1. All respondents answered that they really like to participate in competitions, especially they liked board games. Games help not only to fill leisure time, but also to develop motor skills, overcome physical stiffness after a stroke, cerebral palsy. Children play board games with passion and pleasure, it is simply impossible to tear them away from the gaming tables. But they are also very popular among adults.
2. Answering the second question: "What motivates you to start playing sports?" respondents with disabilities chose "overcoming difficulties and physical exertion" as the most important answer – 74.6%. "Communication with coaches and teammates" – 90.5% of respondents; 58% of respondents said that they "support and improve their health."
3. To the question "What are the reasons that you do not play sports?", the disabled indicated: "it is difficult to get to the training place" – 36.3%; "it is difficult to combine sports and work or study" – 22%; "minor achievements in sports" – 43%; "increased passion for other things" – 16%.
Conclusions. The majority of disabled athletes are motivated to play sports due to additional communication, physical activity, health promotion, the possibility of improving physical fitness. In addition, sports are of great social importance in the lives of people with disabilities. At the same time, a number of limitations and reasons that prevent disabled people from playing sports and participating in competitions have been identified. The survey showed that only slightly more than half of the respondents with disabilities are professionally engaged in sports and participate in competitions.


  1. Grigan S.A. Physical culture and wellness classes with students with disabilities / S.A. Grigan, A.L. Vishina // collection of materials. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Herzen readings". St. Petersburg, 2022. – pp. 399-402.