Social and pedagogical features of the olympic movement in the Republic of Azerbaijan


Postgraduate student Aidan Rizvan gizi Aliyeva
Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Baku, Azerbaijan

Keywords: physical culture and sports, the system of physical training in the Republic of Azerbaijan, Olympic education.

Introduction. The mass sports industry is the most important part of the development in the country, and it is aimed at organizing physical culture and sports activities of the population of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as its active participation in physical culture and recreation events and mass sports competitions.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the main aspects of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Azerbaijan, reflecting the support of state and public forms of leadership.
Methodology and organization of the study. The analysis of the main aspects of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Azerbaijan, reflecting the support of state and public forms of leadership, is carried out.
The results of the study and their discussion. For the dynamic and even development of the sports industry, it is necessary to create federal centers that will become a place of concentration of sports science and medicine, as well as the most talented and promising young athletes throughout the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Conclusion. The complex of elements of the sports reserve training system in the Republic of Azerbaijan includes sports schools, Olympic reserve sports schools, children's and youth sports schools, specialized children's and youth Olympic reserve sports schools, regional sports training centers, Olympic training centers, Olympic reserve schools that implement various tasks within the framework of providing sports reserve training for sports teams of the Republic Azerbaijan. The continuous process of preparing the sports reserve is ensured by implementing sports training programs with the sequential transfer of athletes from one stage of sports training to another, in accordance with the requirements of federal standards of sports training by sports.

Used literature

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