Influence of 3x3 basketball on the development of motor and cognitive abilities of student youth


PhD, Associate Professor A.M. Fokin2
PhD, Associate Professor I.Yu. Pugachev1
PhD F.F. Kostov2
Dr. Hab., Professor P.V. Stankevich2
1Derzhavin Tambov State University, Tambov
2The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to determine the effective development of motor and cognitive abilities of student youth by means of 3x3 basketball.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved 16 students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports at Derzhavin Tambov State University, permanently involved in 3x3 basketball. The following methods were used in the work: “information compression”; pedagogical supervision; testing; mathematical-biometric analysis. We studied the degree of capacity of motor manifestations (endurance, speed and coordination) and mental potential (Raven's progressing matrix test).
Results and conclusions. The use of statistical biometrics tools of the SPSS program, in particular the "sifting" method based on a linear mathematical and biological relationship of multiple and partial correlation variables, made it possible to determine the parity volume of the percentage contribution of basketball 3x3 and selected sports variations in the general content of the reproduction of the motor and intellectual potential of students. The effective impact of 3x3 basketball means on the reliable predominant development of anaerobic-aerobic motor abilities in the existing sample of students from the Tambov region, as well as cognitive and intellectual capabilities according to the Raven's increasing complexity matrix, has been verified.

Keywords: 3x3 basketball, student youth, motor and cognitive abilities, mass sports events, mathematical and biometric analysis.


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