Physical workability children of primary school age


Dr. Biol., Professor S.P. Levushkin1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Laptev1
PhD, Associate Professor O.F. Zhukov2
Dr. Biol., Professor V.D. Sonkin2
1Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the current level of working capacity of elementary school students in modern conditions.
Methods and structure of the study. The analysis includes data obtained with the participation of 798 children aged 7-11 years from eight regions of the country. All children studied in elementary school from 1st to 4th grades. The calculation of the PWC170 value and the individual value of the PDAI was carried out.
Research results and conclusions. Age-related changes in the indicators of physical performance of children of primary school age demonstrate manifestations of sexual dimorphism, which manifests itself differently for each of the indicators: in the form of different dynamics of changes–for PDAI (pulse debt accumulation index) and in the form of significant inter-sex differences at a certain period of ontogenesis–for PWC170 rel. At the same time, it can be noted that the registered values of PWC170 rel. for boys and girls aged 7-11 years are consistent with the data known from the literature for this age.
The conducted study is a fragment of a long-term health monitoring program, which is supposed to be carried out on the basis of experimental sites in the form of longitudinal observation. This may make it possible to reveal the mechanisms of age-related development of physical performance and their differences in representatives of different sexes.

Keywords: schoolchildren, physical performance, pulse debt accumulation index (PDAI), work capacity, age development.


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