The use of bodyoriented physical exercises for the formation of professional selfawareness of students of psychological and pedagogical areas


PhD, Associate Professor D.N. Maltsev1
Dr. Hab., Professor N.V. Kotryakhov2
PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Sakharov2
I.V. Maltseva2
1Kirov State Medical University, Kirov
2Vyatka State University, Kirov

Objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of body-oriented physical exercises on the formation of the components of professional self-awareness of students of psychological and pedagogical areas.
Methods and structure of the study. The formation of a professionally-oriented learning environment for students is based on a concept aimed at developing cognitive, motivational, emotional and operational components in the structure of professional self-awareness. In physical education classes for students of psychological and pedagogical areas of Vyatka State University and Kirov State Medical University, complexes of body-oriented physical exercises were used during the academic year. Pedagogical criteria for assessing the formation of students' professional self-awareness are proposed. The study involved 100 students in psychological and pedagogical areas (50 in the control and 50 in the experimental group) of the second courses.
Results and conclusions. The results of a comparative assessment of the level of formation of the components of professional self-awareness showed higher rates in the experimental group.
The inclusion of body-oriented physical exercises in the content of physical culture lessons contributes to the development of cognitive, motivational, emotional and operational components of professional self-awareness and can be used to create a professionally-oriented learning environment for students.

Keywords: professional self-awareness, body-oriented exercises, students, self-knowledge, self-actualization, self-understanding, self-regulation.


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