Determination of the level of influence of different coordination abilities on the accuracy of impact actions in table tennis


Dr. Hab., Professor G.V. Barchukova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Laptev1
1Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of various manifestations of coordination abilities on the effectiveness of sports activities and the accuracy of impact actions in table tennis.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved highly qualified athletes specializing in table tennis, the total number was 49 people. The effectiveness of the competitive activity of tennis players was determined by the All-Russian and Moscow rating. In addition, the accuracy of techniques and specific coordinating abilities in table tennis was tested using a light simulator, as well as methods for assessing psychomotor reactions, stabilometry, methods of mathematical and statistical data processing were used. Correlation analysis method was used to determine the relationship of individual components of coordination abilities with the accuracy characteristics of the impact actions of technical techniques and the result of the competitive activity of tennis players.
Results and conclusions. With the help of correlation analysis, the contribution of certain types of coordination abilities to the effectiveness of game activity, which are most necessary in table tennis, was determined, these include: the ability to quickly restructure muscle activity, the ability to differentiate muscle efforts, the ability to maintain and vary the rhythm, the ability to dynamic balance on the basis of a good base for the development of physical qualities, and above all, general coordination abilities.

Keywords: table tennis, accuracy of impact actions, effectiveness of sports activities, coordination abilities, highly qualified athletes, special pedagogical testing.


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