Modern approaches to the assessment of tools for the promotion of militaryapplied sports


Master M.S. Taranukha1
PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Bart1
PhD, Associate Professor L.P. Mokrova1
I.A. Osipova1
1Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the distinctive features of evaluating the effectiveness of tools for promoting military-applied sports.
Results of the study and their discussion. The peculiarities of promotion in the field of military-applied sports are that they are based on marketing tools that affect, in particular, national interests. The style of promotion in this area is patriotic in nature with the appropriate thematic design. Within the framework of this study, the effectiveness is determined in two directions: the achievement of a communicative (social) result; achievement of the established economic effect. In this regard, the performance evaluation is based on indicators of the social utility of the military-applied sport and socio-economic criteria.

Key words: sports promotion, military-applied sports, promotion performance evaluation, integral performance evaluation.


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