Algorithm of actions of the coach in the process of application of special mobile games in the preparation of football players


PhD, Associate Professor N.I. Shagin
Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: football, athlete, coach, special outdoor games, algorithm, training session.

The purpose of the study is to develop and theoretically substantiate the algorithm of the coach's actions in the process of using special outdoor games in the preparation of football players.
The results of the study and their discussion. No matter how correctly the coach has chosen a special mobile game for a specific training session or training cycle, it is also necessary to present it correctly and accessible to young football players. To do this, as many years of experience has shown, the coach needs to be guided by the following algorithm of actions in the process of using special outdoor games in the long-term training of young football players:
Gathering of students to explain the game. Regardless of age, it is necessary to demand a full focus of attention to yourself. Any conversations or distractions are unacceptable. Immediately it is necessary to inform that you will definitely answer all questions about the game later. It is necessary to explain the content of the game as concisely and easily as possible.
The message is the name of the game. It is important to come up with a short, succinct and memorable name, at least so that in subsequent times you do not have to explain the rules again. Only a well-thought-out and interesting name makes the game a favorite for children.
Message and role allocation. It is necessary to specify which teams and roles exist in the game.
A message of the overall goal of the game. What is the goal pursued by each player or team.
Communication of ways to achieve the designated goal. How you can act.
The message of the rules of the game. What can not be done and what kind of punishment will follow.
Game time message. How long or up to what point the game will continue.
The message of the space on which the game is being played. That is, to indicate the landmarks of the movements.
Answers to the questions that have arisen.
Special conditions and notes.
This list is recommended to be carried out in this order.
Conclusion. Most of the special outdoor games include a lot of motor actions, the performance of which requires the transfer of existing skills and abilities into the game situation. Therefore, it is important to direct the creative activity of the players when teaching motor actions. Of particular importance is the use of the method of creative tasks, which ensures the education of creativity and creativity when performing various tasks during the educational and training process.


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