Attitude of volleyball coaches to the content of professional development programs based on modeling the professional qualities of a competitive specialist


L.V. Zhilina1
Postgraduate student G.A. Snegiryov1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
2Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: professional development, coach, training program, regulatory criteria, volleyball.

Introduction. In connection with the adoption of new professional standards in higher physical education aimed at training competitive specialists in accordance with the requirements of modern sports practice, the problem of software and methodological support for the process of professional development of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports becomes urgent. To date, there are various approaches to the organization of professional coaching, which are implemented within the framework of state and public organizations [1].
The purpose of the study is to identify the opinion of volleyball coaches on the compliance of the content of the software and methodological support of advanced training courses with the modern requirements of training a competitive specialist.
Methodology and organization of the study. In the course of the study, a survey was conducted in which 279 volleyball coaches took part. Of these, 39 specialists belonged to the "PRO" category, 26 people – to the "A" category, 34 specialists – to the "B" category and 180 people – to the "C" category. The study was conducted in 2020-2021 on the basis of the "Center for training and advanced training of volleyball coaches" of the Russian University of Sports "GTSOLIFK".
The results of the study and their discussion. According to the survey results, coaches of the highest categories "PRO" and "A" (78%) believe that advanced training courses in public institutions are implemented more meaningfully than in public organizations. At the same time, the curriculum is built taking into account the current requirements for the training of competitive specialists. Coaches of categories "B" and "C" (99.6%) do not see any differences in the volleyball training courses of state and public educational organizations and are completely satisfied with the level of their organization. The majority of respondents supported the inclusion in the curriculum of sections related to the modeling of professional qualities of a coach based on the use of innovative sports and digital technologies in volleyball. At the same time, only a few of the coaches surveyed (37% from the "PRO" category, 24% from the "A" and "B" categories, 18% from the "C" category) noted the goal orientation towards self-realization in their profession as a fundamental element in the competitive specialist model.
Conclusion. The results of the study indicate a difference in the opinions of trainers about the content of training courses, depending on the level of their qualification category. In this regard, it is proposed to differentiate professional development programs by the levels of professional training of coaching staff. The modeling of pedagogical conditions for the training of a competitive specialist will be facilitated by the construction of a system of additional education based on the interaction of state and public educational structures.


  1. Regulations on licensing of professional volleyball coaches [Electronic resource]/ - URL: / (Accessed: 19.01.2023).