Attitude to a healthy lifestyle and physical culture and sports activities of medical university students


Dr. Sc.Phil., Professor E.V. Ushakova1
PhD, Associate Professor P.G. Vorontsov1
1Altay State Medical University, Barnaul

Keywords: risk factors, health, physical culture, sport.

Introduction. According to sociological studies conducted on the basis of medical universities in Russia, most medical students have some kind of health abnormalities. Many of them do not hide the fact that they are subject to bad habits, engage in physical culture and sports without special need, cannot combine mental and physical activity at university, do not have the necessary motivation to observe a healthy lifestyle. These factors negatively affect the general professional training, moral culture and motor activity of future doctors [1].
The purpose of the study is to identify the attitude to a healthy lifestyle and physical culture and sports activities of medical university students based on sociological analysis.
Methodology and organization of the study. The sociological survey was conducted in 2020, it was attended by students of the Altai State Medical University (ASMU) in the number of 3987 people (76.2% of the total number of students). The survey was conducted anonymously, in electronic form.
The results of the study and their discussion. According to the survey, the majority of students (59.2%) assess their state of health as "good", 35.7% – "satisfactory". Of the total number of study participants, 35% belong to a special medical group and have certain deviations in their state of health. The majority of students 68.8% recognize the positive impact of a healthy lifestyle on their health. At the same time, 77.8% of respondents admitted that they participate in activities to promote a healthy lifestyle. 72% of students try to follow a rational nutrition regime. Of the respondents, 63% participate in various sports events held by the university, 52.7% of students constantly attend ASMU gyms [1].
Conclusion. The obtained data of the sociological survey reflect an objective assessment of the attitude to health, risk factors, physical culture and sports of medical university students on the example of ASMU. Comparison of similar data for other universities in the country gives similar results. On average, it is approximately the same across the country. Approximately 35-40% of students studying at medical universities have some kind of health abnormalities.


  1. Vorontsov P.G. Formation of professional and moral qualities of the personality of a future doctor: a theoretical and methodological approach in higher school pedagogy: monograph / P.G. Vorontsov. – Barnaul: Publishing House of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 2021. – 220 p.