Development of emotional stability of children of the 7th year of life with severe speech disorders in physical culture and health-improving work of a preschool educational organization


PhD, Associate Professor I.D. Emelyanova1
O.A. Podolskaya1
1Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets

Objective of the study was to identify the optimal conditions for increasing the emotional stability of children of the 7th year of life with severe speech disorders (SSD) in the physical education and health work of a preschool educational organization.
Methods and structure of the study. 2Emotional stability was assessed according to the following criteria: the mood to perform physical exercises, the presence or absence of interest during the performance (interest and concentration), performance, reaction to comments, attitude to the assessment of the exercise performed. According to the diagnostic criteria, the levels of emotional stability were determined: low, medium and high.
Results and conclusions. Based on the obtained diagnostic data, the emotional stability of children with SSD, conditions were proposed and implemented to increase its level, based on the rational selection of vibro-gymnastics, game self-massage, oculomotor, relaxation and breathing exercises.

Keywords: emotional stability, children of senior preschool age, severe speech disorders, physical culture and health work, preschool educational organization.


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