Indicators for assessing the physical and socio-psychological health of students


PhD, Associate Professor Yu.A. Yakovleva1
PhD, Associate Professor N.A. Vakhnin1
PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Novikova1
V.V. Mysova2
1Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg
2State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to identify indicators for assessing the physical and socio-psychological health of university students.
Methods and structure of the study. To solve the set goals and objectives, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis of literary sources and regulatory documents; general scientific research methods; sociological methods of collecting information (questionnaire survey); statistical methods for analyzing the results obtained; determination of the physical and psychological state of students based on test results.
The empirical base of the study on the topic is the materials of a sociological study conducted by the team of authors in 2021. based on the developed questionnaires and methods, as a result of which more than 1700 students of different levels were interviewed.
Results and conclusions. As a result of the study, four groups of indicators of social health were proposed: 1) physical, 2) psychological, 3) social criteria, and 4) factor of satisfaction with the educational process. Information about physical and socio-psychological health, differentiated by various indicators, creates a scientific and practical basis for effective valeological and pedagogical support of the process of physical education of students at the university.

Keywords: physical health, socio-psychological health, social health, social health model.


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