Problem of bribery at sports competitions in the aspect of sociological analysis


PhD R.G. Ardashev1
V.N. Turkova2
1Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Krasnoyarsk
2Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk

Keywords: bribe, sport, youth, competitions, bribes in sports.

Introduction. Sports competitions are not only a space for recording physical and social achievements of athletes, but also a place where illegal interactions between different participants in this process (organizers, coaches, sponsors, athletes themselves) can be realized. This action, contrary to the laws, has a long history, despite condemnation, is ineradicable due to personal weaknesses and desires, and financial motives for enrichment, as well as the desire to see oneself in a more favorable light in the future [1], despite moral and ethical prohibitions [2].
The purpose of the study is to study the peculiarities of the prevalence and specifics of illicit enrichment at sports competitions.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study conducted in 2022 involved 650 athletes, 65 coaches, 65 sponsors, 65 organizers of competitions. Of these, 62% are men and 38% are women aged 34 to 65 years, holding their position or status, or participating in competitions for more than 10 years. The search for respondents was carried out through sports federations throughout Russia, so it became possible to attract representatives of various sports areas. The research method was a questionnaire survey.
The results of the study and their discussion. Analysis of the results of the study showed that 70% of the respondents had personally encountered bribes in sports competitions. A third of the respondents participated in this process themselves (33% of coaches, 35% of organizers, 28% of sponsors and 30% of athletes). This suggests that the prevalence of this phenomenon is significant, but not all participants in the community of sports competitions decide to actively participate in it.
According to respondents, the motives for participating in the process of giving and receiving a bribe are the following: the desire to be in the ranking of the best (27%), to get the desired status, title, extend the contract (33%), to show their worth as a specialist (40%), etc.
An interesting fact is that for 47% it is a personal motive (benefit for themselves), for 44% it is a desire to defend the interests of the school, section, city (benefit for the community), 9% could not accurately determine the benefits. In other words, selfish and altruistic motives may appear in the process of receiving and giving a bribe.
Half of the respondents (57% of coaches, 55% of organizers, 52% of sponsors and 48% of athletes) believe that bribes as a well–established mechanism built into the work of a social institution, like sports competitions, cannot be eradicated. The second half assumes that strengthening the importance of the code of ethics (31%) of athletes and organizers, coaches and sponsors, or changing the conditions of socialization, and at the same time, social and material claims (19%) of all participants in the space of sports competitions, can change the situation in society as a whole and in this professional community in particular in particular.
Conclusions. It is established that a significant part of the sports community is included in the problem field of bribes during sports competitions. Most of the professional community recognizes the unethical and inhumane nature of this phenomenon, but only a third were active participants in this process. The reasons are a combination of pressure from external and internal factors, which can be caused by both selfish and altruistic motives.
Depending on the type of sport, the number of bribes was not revealed. This indicates the importance of personal qualities and ways of adaptation of participants in sports competitions or general external pressure, rather than the type of sports industry. To change this situation, it is necessary to strengthen the moral and ethical context of social realization, to improve the conditions of socialization and the formation of social and economic claims through socially acceptable ways of getting what you want in the space of sports competitions.


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