Theoretical and methodological aspects of the innovative program of training volleyball players of student teams in China


Postgraduate student Xu Zhanzhen1
PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Bulykina1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.P. Guba1
1Russian University Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: volleyball, training program, training sessions, competitive activity.

The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and develop methodological support for an innovative training program for volleyball players of student teams in China.
Methodology and organization of the study. The analysis of the program and regulatory documentation revealed the following key theoretical and methodological aspects of the long-term training of student volleyball teams in China.
Reducing the amount of theoretical and control training in the process of organizing classes with the student team allows you to significantly increase (up to 2-2.5 hours) during the week, the time allotted for the practical training of the team.
In the process of technical and tactical training of volleyball players of student teams, it is necessary to apply simple exercises that all students are able to perform. The intensity of such exercises should not exceed a pulse of 140-150 beats / min, and the volume of motor tasks can reach 65-70% of all exercises used in training.
The organization of general and special physical training of volleyball players of student teams should include training exercises that ensure the development of speed, speed-strength abilities (jumping) and coordination abilities that allow you to quickly master the rational structure of motor actions.
The training process during the one-year training cycle of the student volleyball team should be built in such a way as to achieve the maximum progressive effect due to the pulse cost of each exercise.
In the process of technical and tactical training of volleyball players of the Chinese student team, it is advisable to devote considerable time (10-15%) to correcting mistakes, which will allow the formation of rational and economical motor actions that are the basis for achieving high sports results in the competitive activity of players.
When conducting classes, it is necessary to achieve a high density of motor tasks. It is necessary to minimize passivity when performing tasks by introducing interesting and fascinating forms of organizing students and conducting a training exercise.
Conclusion. Thus, the program should include such components that ensure effective sports training in the chosen sport. Ensuring the improvement of the sports skills of the Chinese student volleyball team is determined by the projective, substantive, technological and control-educational components. Each of the components, in accordance with its place in the structure of the model and functional purpose, has its own content.

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