Structure and content of training sessions to improve the motor skills of China volleyball players with the help of light and athletics means


Postgraduate student Tian Shenglong1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.P. Guba1
PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Bulykina1
1Russian University Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: volleyball, athletics, training sessions, physical exercises, motor skills.

The purpose of the study is to theoretically develop and substantiate the structure and content of training sessions for improving the motor skills of Chinese volleyball players with the help of athletics.
Methodology and organization of the study. The technology of forming the structure of motor actions of volleyball players based on athletics consists of several stages that ensure the consistency of improving the sportsmanship of players. To do this, it is recommended to use the most acceptable and effective physical exercises and methodological techniques in the process of performing specialized tasks for technical training. In the process of improving the technical techniques of the game, it is advisable to use motor athletics tasks that contribute to the development of speed of motor reactions, which ultimately determines the level of sports and technical skill of the player. The formation of rational motor actions was subordinated to the stages of training sessions.
The use of athletics equipment in classes with Chinese volleyball players in the process of forming rational motor actions included a preliminary warm-up for 15-20 minutes, which was aimed at preparing the body for training work of various volume, intensity and direction of impact. The main part of the lesson involves the use of athletics exercises related to performing various movements with changing directions of movement and speed of response to sound and visual signals. The final part of the training session of Chinese volleyball players included various control tests aimed at studying the indicators of motor and technical readiness of athletes.
Conclusion. The training of Chinese volleyball players provides for the rational application of the accumulated experience of specialists in the field of theory and methodology of sports training. The technique and tactics of volleyball is one of the most difficult areas of the training process, since motor actions are performed by shock or shock-absorbing nature, and the athlete has a limited time limit to think about the structure of movement. The use of technology to improve motor skills of Chinese volleyball players with the help of athletics can significantly increase the level of development of special physical qualities and indicators of technical skill.

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