Formation of communicative competence of mongolian students using sports vocabulary and terminology of women's football


G.A. Asonova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Gvozdeva1
E.L. Loshakova1
E.A. Zozulya1

1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze and describe the sports vocabulary and terminology of women's football in terms of the formation of communicative competence among Mongolian students in the process of learning Russian as a foreign language.
Methods and structure of the study. The definition of the semantic group "Women's football" was given, tasks for practicing sports vocabulary and terminology of women's football were presented. Using the descriptive method, the sampling method and the method of analyzing vocabulary definitions, the results obtained in the process of learning the Russian language by Mongolian students were analyzed.
Results and conclusions. Teaching the Russian language contributes to the formation of the development and formation of communication skills among Mongolian students with the help of sports vocabulary and the terminology of women's football. Practical goals have been achieved to form the communicative competence of Mongolian students using the vocabulary and terminology of women's football. The semantic groups of the lexical-semantic field "Women's football" have been studied and worked out in speech.

Key words: women's football, sports terminology, vocabulary, communicative competence, Mongolian students, lexical-semantic group, Russian as a foreign language, qualifying tournament, motivation.


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