Modern problems of legal regulation of sports training in judo


PhD, Professor F.H. Zekrin
Tchaikovsky State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to analyze the current version of the federal standard for sports training in the sport of "judo" and to identify the key problems of legal regulation of sports training in judo.
Results and conclusions. During the experiment, the following problems of legal regulation of sports training in judo were identified and justified: insufficient number of training hours per week for all years of each stage of sports training; different ages for enrolling students at the stage of initial training in the discipline "kata" and "classical" sports discipline; lack of concretization of the concepts of "technical mastery" and "mandatory technical program"; the standards of general physical and technical training for enrollment and transfer to groups at the stages of sports training, presented in the current version of the Federal Standard of Sports Training for the sport of "judo", do not assess the special physical fitness of athletes in judo.
The analysis made it possible to identify the main problems of the legal regulation of sports training in judo, which are currently serious constraints on the effective training of the sports reserve in this sport, which will not allow increasing the competitive environment in judo in the future, unless appropriate changes are made in the future. edition of the FSST in judo.

Keywords: legal regulation, federal standards of sports training, sports training, judo.


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