Improving the efficiency of attacking actions of a player with the role of "finishing player" in volleyball


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor N.V. Lutkova1
Dr. Hab., Professor Yu.M. Makarov1
PhD, Associate Professor V.F. Lutkov1
PhD, Professor L.A. Egorenko1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to develop means of improving the attacking stroke of a player with the role of "finishing player" in a team of qualified volleyball players.
Methods and structure of the study. The following were used as experimental methods: pedagogical observation using the Data Volley 2017 (codes Russian) computer program, technical and tactical actions in the attack were recorded using codes; sports and pedagogical testing; survey of trainers; pedagogical experiment.
Results and conclusions. It has been determined that it is expedient to develop the means of training a player with the role of finishing player in the form of four blocks of tasks, providing for structural-logical block diagrams of game actions and taking into account the main chains of actions and switching, which include: serving an opponent, receiving a serve - an attacking blow; serving the opponent, receiving the serve - insurance of the attacking blow; serving the opponent, receiving the serve - the "finisher" of a bad reception; submission of the opponent, reception of the supply - block (defense) of the oncoming strike. It has been established that the application of the developed tasks allows to increase the efficiency of the attacking strike by the player in the competitive activity (before the experiment, 30.77±0.66%, after 35.86±0.58%, respectively).

Keywords: volleyball, player with the role of "finishing player", flowcharts of game actions, attacking blow, means of the training process.


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