Features of heart rate variability and the type of autonomic regulation in student-athletes involved in judo and athletics


PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Chelyshkova1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor S.S. Grechishkina2
Dr. Biol., Professor A.V. Shakhanova1
Postgraduate student O.A. Sazhina1
1Adyghe State University, Maikop
2Maikop State Technological University, Maikop

Objective of the study was to identify the features of heart rate variability and the type of autonomic regulation in student-athletes involved in judo and athletics.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 64 students of the Institute of Physical Culture and Judo of the Adyghe State University aged 18-21 years, including 38 judokas (32 CMS and 6 MS) and 26 track and field athletes (14 people - I category, 12 people - CMS). The study was conducted in the preparatory period of the training macrocycle. The HRV wave structure was recorded using the Poly-Spectrum-12 hardware-software complex of the NeuroSoft company.
Results and conclusions. The results obtained indicate that only 30% of judo students and 47% of students involved in athletics have an autonomous type of vegetative regulation. The second group (with an autonomous-central type of vegetative regulation) included most of the athletes (54% of judoists and 53% of track and field athletes), who have an optimal autonomic balance of autonomy and centralization in controlling the heart rhythm, an increase in physiological and metabolic reserves. The risk group (with the central type of autonomic regulation) included 16% of judo students with lower functional and adaptive capabilities of the body.

Keywords: heart rate variability, cardiovascular system, students, judo, athletics.


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