Comparative analysis of expert evaluation of interactive teaching methods by Russian and Chinese teachers of physical education universities


Postgraduate student Yang Juan
Russian University Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the results of a survey of Russian and Chinese teachers to identify the organizational and methodological conditions for the introduction of interactive teaching methods in the educational process of higher education institutions of physical culture.
Methods and structure of the study. In order to identify the optimal conditions for the introduction of interactive teaching methods in the educational process of professional training of future teachers of physical culture, a survey was conducted among teachers who train students of Russian University Sport "SCOLIPE" and Henan University. Five Russian and five Chinese teachers were selected as participants.
Results and conclusions. The results of the experiment demonstrated the consistency of opinions of Russian and Chinese teachers on the definition of organizational and methodological conditions for the introduction of interactive teaching methods in the educational process of a higher education institution of physical culture. Russian and Chinese survey participants prioritized such areas as professional development, organization of methodological and consulting support for teachers in improving the educational process through the use of interactive forms of learning.

Keywords: organizational and methodological conditions, introduction of interactive teaching methods, expert survey, comparison.


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