Organizational and methodological aspects of teaching basic sports disciplines in the university of a physical profile


PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Zainetdinov1
PhD, Associate Professor K.M. Berulava1
1Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow

Keywords: university, physical culture and sports, teaching, basic sports disciplines.

The purpose of the study is to study and substantiate the need to improve the organizational and methodological aspects of teaching basic sports disciplines in a physical education institution.
Methodology and organization of the study. The scientific work was carried out on the basis of the Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism in the period from January to June 2022. To study and substantiate the need to improve the organizational and methodological aspects of teaching basic sports disciplines in physical education universities, a sociological survey was used in the form of a questionnaire, which was attended by teachers (n=64 people) of sports and pedagogical departments that train bachelors for the field of physical culture and sports. The research results obtained during the survey allowed us to determine the main directions for improving the quality of teaching basic sports disciplines at a physical education institution.
The results of the study and their discussion. The results of the sociological survey allowed us to establish that in the process of teaching basic sports disciplines (athletics, gymnastics, sports games, swimming, etc.) at the university of physical education, the majority of teachers (68%) are focused on conducting practical and methodological classes that allow the formation of general professional and professional competencies of the bachelor. A small part of specialists (21%) claim that seminars and lectures serve as a basis for the formation of knowledge necessary for a future specialist in professional activity. Only 11% of teachers consider control classes to be the most effective form that ensures the improvement of professional skills of bachelors in the field of physical culture and sports.
Studies have shown that for effective teaching of basic sports disciplines in a physical education university, the majority of specialists (72%) consider it necessary to use active forms of learning (game tasks, dialogic interaction, problem-problem approach, interactive methods of influence), which create favorable conditions for the purposeful formation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of bachelors.
Conclusion. The basis of organizational and methodological support for teaching basic sports disciplines at a physical education university should be innovative approaches that are currently actively used in pedagogy and theory and methodology of physical culture and sports, ensuring effective training of a future specialist.

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