Motor activity of female students of various physical education division who underwent Covid-19


A.V. Rusanov1
PhD E.I. Rusanova1
1Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

Keywords: COVID‑19, female students, physical activity, Physical rehabilitation, health.

Introduction. The consequences of COVID‑19 are still being studied. Nevertheless, the scientific literature has proven the effectiveness of physical exercises as rehabilitation measures after this disease. Despite the positive results of experimental studies, students who have undergone COVID‑19 have different attitudes to physical exercise as a preventive measure and leveling the consequences of the disease. In this regard, monitoring of motor activity and general health of students who have undergone COVID‑19 becomes relevant.
The purpose of the study‑Assessment of the motor regime and identification of an approach to rehabilitation after the disease of students who have had COVID-19.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study was attended by students of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia of the main, preparatory and special medical departments in the number of 164 people, including 19-68 people who had suffered COVID (based on medical documents). To determine the mode of motor activity of female students, a questionnaire method was used.
Research results and their discussion. According to the results of the analysis of medical documents, it was found that 27.6% of the students of the main department had COVID‑19, the preparatory department – 32.7%, the special medical department – 32.4%. That is, on average, the incidence of female students with health abnormalities is 5% higher. Among the students of the main department, 51% additionally engage in physical exercises at least twice a week as mandatory physical education classes. And among the students of the preparatory and special departments, additionally engaged in motor activity, it became less and amounted to 32.7 and 32.4%, respectively. There is such a trend among those who have had COVID‑19. Moreover, 25% of students of the main department believe that they need psychological rehabilitation and 12.5% – physical rehabilitation after suffering COVID‑19. 9% of students of the preparatory department believe that they need psychological and physical rehabilitation, 5.6% of students of the special department believe that they need psychological rehabilitation and 0% – physical. Moreover, students belonging to special and preparatory departments need to think about the prevention and leveling of the consequences of the disease due to the fact that they are in the "risk zone", since they already have deviations in the state of health [1].
Conclusions. Female students who engage in additional motor activity more than twice a week are less likely to be exposed to viral diseases such as COVID‑19. They more consciously understand the importance of physical exercises for the overall maintenance of health, unlike students of preparatory and special medical groups who regularly engage in physical culture outside of school hours. An important factor is that students of all departments do not fully realize the importance of physical rehabilitation after a disease.


  1. E. Milashechkina. A. Assessment of the level of physical development and respiratory function of female students of a special medical group with different amounts of motor activity / E. A. Milashechkina, T. I. Dzhandarova / / theory and practice of physical culture. – 2018. – No. 4. – PP. 17-19. – EDN YUTEXO.