Domestic films about sports as a source of historical memory formation among students


PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Blonsky
Russian University of Transport, Moscow

Keywords: domestic cinema, films about sports, historical memory, domestic history, domestic sports, students.

Introduction. Cinema plays an important role in shaping the consciousness of a modern person, affirming stereotypes of perception of the spiritual, social and political reality surrounding him. In modern science, there are many works that explore the phenomenon of the formation of historical memory through cinematography among various segments of the population [1]. At the same time, many areas of this phenomenon remain unexplored. In this study, we have attempted to determine how domestic films about sports have an impact on the formation of historical memory among students.
The purpose of the study is to determine the degree of influence of domestic films about sports on the formation of historical memory among students.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study was conducted in The Russian Open Academy of Transport of the Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT) in the period from January 2022 to May 2022 As part of the study, 245 students of the correspondence department of the first year of the university were interviewed. During four practical classes of the course "Russia in Global History", students were shown Soviet and Russian films about sports – "The First Glove" (1946), "World Champion" (1954), "Poddubny" (2014) and "Upward Movement" (2017). After completing the viewing of the presented films, the study participants answered the questionnaire questions.
The results of the study and their discussion. To the question of whether, in your opinion, the historical epoch is accurately recreated in the films shown, 85.6% of students answered positively. It is important to note that 76.5% of respondents considered that historical reality is more convincingly recreated in Soviet films about sports. 23.5% of respondents spoke about the greater persuasiveness of historical reality in Russian films about sports. Answering the question about which period films actors embody the real character of a domestic athlete more convincingly, 68.3% spoke in favor of films of the Soviet period and 31.7% – in favor of modern, Russian films. When asked what role, in your opinion, all the films watched play in the process of preserving the historical memory of a particular era of domestic sports, 93% of the students surveyed spoke about the most important role of these films in preserving historical memory.
Conclusion. Thus, the conducted research confirms that feature films about domestic sports have a fundamental role in the process of preserving and forming historical memory among students. It is important to note that, according to the study participants, films made during the Soviet period are more convincing from the point of view of reproducing historical reality.


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