Conditions for the formation of health-preserving behavior of students


Doctor of Medical Sciences A.G. Naimushina1
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor A.M. Durov2, 3
1Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen
2Tyumen State University, Tyumen
3Tyumen State Medical University, Tyumen

Keywords: self-assessment of health, chronotype, stress resistance.

Introduction. Self-assessment of health and quality of life serves as an integral criterion of health-preserving behavior of university students. According to the majority of researchers, a high level of physical fitness and physical education contribute to active longevity [1, 2].
The purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative assessment of the health–preserving behavior of students of medical and engineering universities.
Methodology and organization of the study. For the period from 2020 to 2022, in groups of students of the 1st-2nd year, an assessment of the adaptive potential of a person according to a standardized methodology, the level of physical fitness, as well as self-assessment of health and risk factors for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases was carried out. The chronotype was studied and a genealogical study was conducted. The study was voluntarily attended by students aged 18 to 21 years, 99 boys and 341 girls from Tyumen State Medical University (TMU), 166 boys and 125 girls from TIU.
The results of the study and their discussion. The picture of students' awareness of the main factors of harm to health does not depend on the direction of training and specialization: half of the students are able to calculate calories in mobile applications, they know about the need to observe a diet and physical activity; there is a general trend towards a decrease in the prevalence of smoking. 82.8% of boys and 85% of girls have never smoked among TMU students. 79.5% of boys and 86.4% of girls do not smoke in TIU. Visual impairment, regardless of gender, is observed in 2/3 of all students, headaches occasionally occur in 89% of girls and 56% of boys, 10-12% of university students are engaged in adaptive physical culture groups. The history of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) was burdened and episodes of increased blood pressure were recorded in 4% of TMU boys and 6% of TIU boys.
All students are characterized by: low level of stress resistance; lack of night sleep; average duration of work at a personal computer or screen time of gadgets is from 3.5 to 6 hours a day; unbalanced nutrition and low level of motor activity.
The main causes of stress in 75.5% of young men and 82.2% of TMU are lack of time and preparation for exams and tests. In 59.6% of boys and 67.2% of girls of TIU, lack of time and irrational organization of work are the cause of stress, and preparation for the defense of coursework will determine a high level of stress in 64% of boys and 72% of girls.
Conclusion. The study revealed that the main reason for the decline in the quality of life and low stress tolerance among TMU students is a more saturated format of exam preparation. For students of TIU, the organization of intermediate certification with the advantage of a score-rating system significantly facilitates the period of study at the university.


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  2. Sharovarova M.A. Preferences and satisfaction from physical culture of students / M.A. Sharovarova, E.T. Kolunin // Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. – 2022. – No. 4. – pp. 43-45.