Dynamics of psychomotor abilities in academic rowers at the stage of improvement of sports skills


Postgraduate student S.R. Arakelyan1
Dr. Hab., Professor E.A. Bayer1
PhD, Professor N.N. Bykov2
1Don State Technical University (DSTU), Rostov-on-Don

Objective of the study was to identify the level of development of such psychomotor abilities in rowers-academicians at the stage of improving sportsmanship, as well as the nature and degree of their relationship with sports results in different classes of boats.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work involved 92 rowers, 42 girls and 50 boys aged 15-17, who train at the stage of improving sportsmanship, rowing experience is 5-8 years.
Results and conclusions. The revealed level of psychomotor qualities, as well as the nature of their relationship with sports results in academic rowers at the stage of improving sportsmanship differs significantly depending on the specialization.
The study of the psychomotor features of academic rowers at the stage of improving sportsmanship revealed the lack of available and effective methods for their control and analysis, in terms of their application in the practice of sports training, which predetermines the shift in emphasis in training and scientific work, towards increasing functional and conditioning abilities. rowers.

Keywords: rowing, academic rowers, psychomotor abilities, indicators of psychomotor skills


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