Application of rheoencephalography as a method for assessing functional lateral organization in a youth sample


Postgraduate student P.A. Kulagin1
Dr. Med., Professor M.M. Lapkin1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Trutneva1
Dr. Med., Professor A.L. Pokhachevsky1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Filipchenko2
1I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan
2I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to evaluate the possibility of using rheoencephalography as a method for assessing the functional lateral organization in subjects with different performance of purposeful activities.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific study was conducted on 31 male subjects aged 18-22 years. Functional lateralization (FL) was studied using a complex methodology for assessing motor and sensory asymmetries, as well as methods of dynamometry, tapping test and rheoencephalography (REG). The profile of the lateral organization (PLO) and the integral indicator of the PLO were determined. The study of FL was carried out in two states: in the initial state of relative rest and when performing the "Schulte-Gorbov Tables" test. The obtained data were processed by nonparametric methods.
Results and conclusions. According to the results of the evaluation of the integral index of the profile of the lateral organization (PLO), the sample was divided into two groups: mainly with right-sided PLO (n=16, average age 20.5± 1.1 years) and with left-sided PLO (n=15, average age 19.1± 1.2 years). When comparing the obtained groups according to REG indicators, it was found that in subjects with right-sided PLO, the propagation time of the rheographic wave in the Fmd lead is significantly higher than in subjects with left-sided PLO (p=0.0448). Cluster analysis was used to divide the sample by performance indicators of the "Schulte-Gorbov Tables" test. Cluster 1 (n=19, average age 20.1±1.4 years) included subjects who performed the test with high performance, cluster 2 (n=12, average age 19.5± 1.2 years) – with low. Significant inter-cluster differences in dynamometry indicators were revealed, as well as significant intra-group differences in dynamometry and rheoencephalography (REG) indicators. There were no significant correlations between REG indicators and PLO indicators, dynamometry and tapping test. The data obtained indicate that the revealed differences may be related to the unequal system organization of functions.

Keywords: functional brain asymmetry, effectiveness of purposeful activity, dynamometry.


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