Revealing the degree of physical culture and sports activity of the population of Central Yakutia


S.P. Gulyaev, ORCID: 0000-0002-6839-7265
Churapcha state institute of physical education and sports, Churapcha

Objective of the study was to determine the degree of physical culture and sports activity of the population of different ages in Central Yakutia.
Methods and structure of the study. Based on the author's questionnaire through the Google Forms service (, a survey of the population of different ages was conducted, covering 778 respondents aged 11 to 75 years, of which: 501 were females, 277 were males gender. The survey participants are predominantly representatives of indigenous nationalities living in the territory of Central Yakutia. Results and conclusions. The experiment showed that a low degree of activity is observed mainly among the population of the second mature age, in fact, elderly and older people are not involved in organized forms of physical activity, which is a significant factor preventing active longevity.
Half of the survey participants claim that the living environment (the harsh climate of Yakutia, difficult socio-economic living conditions, a complex transport scheme) affect the degree of physical activity of the population. At the same time, 70% of respondents believe that, of course, a rational motor regime is the main factor in maintaining and strengthening human health. More than half of the population needs a more developed physical culture and sports infrastructure at their place of residence. The results of the study allow us to speak about the need to intensify activities for the widespread introduction of physical culture, sports and recreational activities in the daily life of the population of the northern region, it is especially important to involve the able-bodied and elderly population of central Yakutia in regular physical activity.

Keywords: central Yakutia, physical culture and sports activity of the population, socio-pedagogical monitoring.


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