The use of exercise complexes of health-improving gymnastics and aerobics in school practice


PhD, Associate Professor Yu.V. Korichko1
D.G. Dontsova1
A.A. Korichko1

1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk

Objective of the study was to substantiate the need for the use of exercise complexes of health-improving gymnastics and aerobics in school practice.
Methods and structure of the study. In order to clarify the issues of the features of the organization of physical education in the lower grades, a survey was conducted of schoolchildren and their parents of municipal secondary schools in the city of Nizhnevartovsk.
Results and conclusions. As the survey showed, among the various types of physical culture and health-improving work at school, physical education minutes, physical education pauses, morning hygienic gymnastics, and extended breaks occupy a special place. The systematic implementation of exercises of health-improving gymnastics and aerobics within the framework of the use of small forms of organization of physical culture and health-improving work at school increases the tone of the whole organism of schoolchildren, restores their working capacity. All this in subsequent lessons contributes to a higher concentration and increased attention of students to the tasks of the teacher, contributes to the best perception of educational material and the productivity of mental work. There is no doubt that the active participation of parents in the organization and implementation of motor activities in their children's extracurricular time will contribute to the formation of a stable need for physical exercises in them, and will also achieve a positive effect in the formation of a healthy lifestyle and lifestyle of the child.

Keywords: health-improving types of gymnastics, aerobics, junior schoolchildren, physical education, physical education minutes, physical education breaks, morning hygienic gymnastics.


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