Prospects of scientific and methodological support of training athletes playing beach tennis


PhD, Associate Professor L.Yu. Ivanov
Russian University Sport(SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the features of formation and development prospects, including scientific research, in beach tennis in Russia.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of scientific work, an analysis of the scientific and methodological literature and the existing experience in the development of beach tennis was carried out; testing with the help of corrective tables "Landolt Rings"; as well as a survey of specialists and athletes and methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved the leading tennis players-beach players in Russia in the amount of 32 men and 12 women.
Results and conclusions. When analyzing group characteristics, there is no significant difference between tennis players playing tennis and beach tennis. However, when it comes to highly qualified athletes, individual indicators acquire special significance and each time they should be considered in relation to the period of training or competition, specific game tasks.

Keywords: beach tennis, formation and development prospects, features of attention, highly qualified tennis players.


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