Factors of visiting fitness centers residents of a large city


PhD, Professor V.Ya. Subbotin1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Kazakova1
PhD, Associate Professor M.S. Zhuleva1
1Industrial University of Tyumen, Tyumen

Objective of the study was to identify the key factors-motives for visiting fitness centers by the population, as well as to characterize the groups of respondents for whom these factors are dominant.
Methods and structure of the study. A sociological survey of visitors to fitness centers in Tyumen was initiated by the Department of Physical Education of the Tyumen Industrial University and was conducted in October 2021. A total of 450 people aged 18 to 60 took part in the study. The coverage of establishments visited by the respondents was 63 clubs.
Results and conclusions. Based on the results of a sociological analysis, a number of models are identified that underlie the motivations of the respondents: value, narcissistic, integration, rehabilitation, dating, and recreational models. The study showed that modern fitness centers meet a wide range of needs of visitors. At the same time, the needs of a physical nature are presented equally with incentives of a social orientation. The results obtained naturally lead to recommendations, the generalized meaning of which is the expediency of attracting people to clubs using a "point" strategy.

Keywords: fitness, motivation, factor analysis, involvement.


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