Physical and sports activity of preschool children


PhD A.I. Buchkova1
Dr. Sc. Soc., Associate Professor E.V. Kargapolova1
Dr. Hab., Professor L.B. Andryushchenko1
PhD, Associate Professor T.N. Shutova1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the factors of psychological trauma among students involved in sports, based on an expert survey of coaches.
Methods and structure of the study. An empirical study was conducted in January-February 2022 in the form of an expert survey of 32 coaches working with student athletes in 16 sports, mainly with national teams of universities in seven regions of Russia; by gender - almost in equal proportions with specialists working with women's and men's teams; professional experience of experts - from 5 to 43 years, the average experience was 16.4 years.
Results and conclusions. The results did not reveal a significant difference in the prevalence of psychological trauma among student-athletes compared with other athletes. At the same time, differences were found in the main risk factors and approaches to the prevention and reduction of injuries among the indicated categories. For students involved in sports, among the stress factors, difficulties in educational activities, lack of time and the need to combine sports and education, not always an adequate assessment of their level of preparedness and capabilities come to the fore. Knowing and taking into account the identified features plays an important role in the prevention and overcoming of the psychological traumatism of student athletes, and, as a result, their physical injuries in sports.

Keywords: psychological traumatism, sports injury, athletes, student athletes, recovery, prevention.


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