Situation of success as a means of formation of motivation for physical education


PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Terekhina
Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to determine and scientifically substantiate the potential of a situation of success as a pedagogical technology that contributes to the formation of motivation for physical education.
Methods and structure of the study. Theoretical and empirical methods of pedagogical research were used. The study of pedagogical experience is based on conducting surveys, interviews, questionnaires among students in grades 6-8 of a comprehensive school. In the work, methods for creating a situation of success are identified and studied: "Overcoming fear", "Hidden instruction", "Advance payment", "Unexpected joy", "I give a chance", "High appreciation of the detail", "Ladder".
Results and conclusions. The situation of success as a pedagogical technology for the formation of motivation for physical education can be successfully used. The materials of the study showed a rather high efficiency of the chosen technique. It is emphasized that the introduction of positive experiences associated with achieving success into educational activities contributes to the emergence of a sustainable interest in physical education and sports, physical development, the formation of sports skills, obtaining high results, the desire to maintain and develop one's achievements, protect the honor of the class and school at sports events . These studies can be used as methodological recommendations by teachers and teachers of physical culture of general education schools, as well as in advanced training courses for physical education teachers.

Keywords: situation of success, motivation, physical culture, achievement of results.


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