Application of hippotherapy in the recovery period of athletes


PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Ryzhkin1
T.I. Tumasyan1
O.Yu. Brovashova1
A.N. Korban1

1Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don

Objective of the study was to develop a methodology for recovery after exercise in students involved in sports sections, through therapeutic riding.
Methods and structure of the study. To assess the significance of the developed complex of restorative procedures, three control groups were created, consisting of students of the Don State Technical University, who are engaged in sports sections and have sports categories. The selection of restorative means for the first control group combined a combination of biomedical, psychological means of rehabilitation and hippotherapy. The second control group was offered biomedical means of recovery. The third group was offered a normal rest as a recovery. The participants in the experiment of all three control groups were asked to perform tests and tests of morphofunctional readiness after the recovery period and record the results in a self-observation diary.
Results and conclusions. The obtained values ​​of morphofunctional readiness showed that the following factors speak in favor of hippotherapy as a means of recovery after training and competitive loads: muscle relaxation, fatigue/tension relief, getting rid of aggression, elimination of neuropsychological tension, elimination of psychological depression.
The data obtained in the course of the study allow expanding the range of means and methods of recovery after training and competitive loads in the chosen sport.

Keywords: hippotherapy, therapeutic riding, gaits, student sports, rehabilitation procedures, motor functions, motor sphere.


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