Impact of physical education classes on the health of students who have had Covid-19


PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Grigan1
N.N. Neshcheret2
E.V. Nemtseva2

1Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, North-Western Institute of Management, St. Petersburg
2Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don

Keywords: coronavirus, student, physical education, rehabilitation, postcovid syndrome

Introduction. According to official data, during the pandemic of 2020-2021, more than 46% and 11% of infected Russian citizens, respectively, experienced an average or severe course of the disease [1]. Many of them, even after recovery, need rehabilitation from the post-ovoid syndrome and the severe consequences of the infection. Systematic physical education classes, in particular, can contribute to the solution of this problem.
The purpose of the study is to identify the features of improving the condition of students during the recovery period from Covid–19 in the framework of the discipline of physical culture.
Methodology and organization of the study. The group of respondents was 140 people, students of the 2nd‑4th courses of the Don State Technical University. The purpose of the survey was to identify the number of students who underwent Covid-19 from March 2020 to December 2021; which part of them faced post-ovoid syndrome, and how physical education classes affected recovery.
The results of the study and their discussion. According to the survey, every fourth student suffered Covid-19 or its strain during the study period. The statistics obtained indicate the global nature of the pandemic and the importance of restoring health. The majority (70%) of the ill students experienced symptoms of postcovid syndrome, the other 30% of the respondents found it difficult to answer.
When asked how physical education affected the recovery of the body after illness, the majority (70%) of respondents noted an improvement in their condition, 20% replied that there were no improvements and 10% found it difficult to answer. Interestingly, the improvement of the condition was noticed by those student respondents who actually started physical education, or systematically engaged and did not suspend their physical activity after illness.
Then a number of questions were asked, the answers to which made it possible to predict the possibility of continuing to lead an active lifestyle of students after the recovery period: 30% of respondents answered that they began to engage in physical culture 1-2 times a week, including classes at the university, 22.9% – 3-4 times a week, 7.1% answered that they introduced activity every day weeks, 5.7% – began to do light exercises, 28.6% began to walk more. Only 8 out of 140 students answered that they were not engaged in physical education.

Conclusions. Physical education classes are an important part of restoring the state of the student's body after the disease caused by COVID-19, and contribute to improving functions and maintaining overall physical performance.


  1. Grigan, S.A. Possibilities of online training of students of a sports university in the aspect of sociological analysis // S.A. Grigan, Zavodny N.A., E.S. Gaylomazova / Theory and practice of physical culture. – 2022. – No. 3. – p. 63.