Differentiated use of auxiliary projectiles in the preparation of high-class javelin throwers based on the consideration of biomechanical features of the implementation of the final effort


Postgraduate student M.V. Abakumova1
Dr. Hab., Dr. Biol., Professor K.D. Chermit1
PhD, Associate Professor A.G. Zabolotny1
1Adyghe State University, Maikop

Objective of the study was to substantiate and experimentally test the methodological conditions for the shared use of auxiliary projectiles in the preparation of high-class javelin throwers.
Methods and structure of the study. In the presented work, the methodological conditions in the preparation of javelin throwers using the swoop throwing technique and the rebound throwing technique are determined. The classification of auxiliary projectiles has been carried out.
Results and conclusions. Managing the training of throwers using swoop throwing technique involves the organization of pedagogical influence aimed at developing the athlete's mechanisms for the manifestation of force in the links of the kinematic chain of the motor apparatus. The main methodological condition for the shared use of auxiliary projectiles in the group of athletes using the rebound throwing technique was the use of weighted projectiles, lightweight projectiles thrown at the wall, and lightweight projectiles thrown at a distance, in a ratio of 20% -50% -30%. This made it possible to achieve an increase in the speed of angular movements in the kinematic chains of the motor apparatus in two athletes of the rank of CMS and one - MS, in addition, in the master of sports and one candidate for the master of sports to achieve an increase in the results of throwing the main projectile, and in the honored master of sports to maintain high rates of speed potential of the kinematic chain.

Keywords: javelin throwing technique, kinematic characteristics of javelin throwing, final effort, final effort realization phases, thrower's tasks.


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