Psychological and pedagogical approaches at the pre-competitive stage of athletes training


Dr. Hab., Professor G.A. Gilev1,2
Postgraduate student V.V. Vladykina2
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Egorycheva2
Associate Professor E.A. Klusov2
Associate Professor A.I. Popkov2
1Moscow State University of Education, Moscow
2Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to form a mobilization state that contributes to the achievement of the best result by an athlete in a highly competitive responsible competition.
Methods and structure of the study. The pedagogical experiment involved 22 swimmers of high sports qualification, who had cases associated with unsuccessful performances in competitions. In the three-week period before the important competitions, psychological and pedagogical training was carried out, aimed, among other things, at teaching athletes how to independently form the mood to exceed their record achievements in a highly competitive environment.
The set of pedagogical influences was carried out according to the scheme: psychotherapeutic suggestion → heterotraining → autotraining.
Results and conclusions. The expediency of psychological and pedagogical influences at the stage of preparing athletes for the main competitions is shown. These influences, together with auto-training, contribute to the formation of the state of an athlete who is able to show his best result in conditions of high competition at important competitions, as well as at the time of the start of internal composure and confidence in his record achievement.

Keywords: attitude, character formation, volitional qualities, training, performance improvement, auto-training.


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